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SGT Jack Ross, PVT Bill McGaughey, PVT Clarence Dyer, PFC Ardayo, and PFC Hilford Daveer are shown mowing the grass at Dow Field; First LT Edward J. Bartlett replaces LT Frank Obermeyer as Post Exchange Officer (Bartlett and his wife, the former Miss Marie Boutin, live on Ohio Street in Bangor at this time); Louie Belliveau serves as the only barber on base; and we see a photograph of LT Helen V. Price, LT Marjorie Raynor, LT Florence F. Foy, CPL Eleanor Krasnopolska, CPL Lillian Lenore, acting 1st SGT Idelia Schleusner; PFC Mary O'Brien, PFC Mary Dingley, PFC Minnie Baumann, PFC Frances Savage, PFC Frances Dickerson, and PFC Linn Hill.
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Dow Field Personnel
Bangor Maine
Bangor Maine, Dow Field, Bangor Maine World War II
Recommended Citation
Dow Field Personnel, Bangor, Maine, "October 17, 1945" (1945). Dow Field Observer. 102.