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Provides an overview of Dow Air Force Base for members of the 506th Strategic Fighter Wing. Includes a roster of key personnel on the base.
The 506th Strategic Fighter Wing was activated at Daw Air Force Base on 25 January 1953. The 4009th Air Base Squadron which had been responsible for the operation of Dow Air Force Base prior to the activation of the 506th Strategic Fighter Wing, was redesignated and implemented as the 506th Air Base Group, and 506th Medical Group. Also assigned, for administrative purposes, was the 33rd Crash Boat Rescue Flight at Southwest Harbor, Maine.
The Wing was assigned F-84G type aircraft and placed in a training status. The pilots assigned were mostly recent graduates together with some combat Korean returnees. An intensive training program was initiated to raise the combat potential of all concerned.
Beginning 19 July 1953, the 506th Strategic Fighter Wing left for a three-month TDY tour in Japan. Upon arrival in FEAF, the primary mission of the Wing was the Air Defense of Northern Japan; however, combat crew training of all crews in the Wing continued.
On 7 November 1953, after 90 days TDY, the Wing was relieved by the 31st Strategic Fighter Wing of Turner Air Force Base, Georgia, to return to Dow Air Force Base. On the 15th of January 1954, the Wing became the first operational unit in the Air Force to receive the new F-84F Silverstreak Jets. These new Republic Aircraft replaced the F-84G, Thunderjet, and Dow was termed as the "Proving Ground" for this new aircraft.
Publication Date
Dow Air Force Base
Bangor, Maine
Dow Field, Dow Air Force Base, Dow AFB, Bangor Maine, 506th Strategic Fighter Wing, 4009th Air Base Squadron
Recommended Citation
Dow Air Force Base, "Welcome to Dow Air Force Base 1954" (1954). Dow Books and Photograph Albums. 4.