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This two-volume scrapbook set of over 1400 photographs compiled by First Lieutenant Annis G. Thompson, Historical Officer at Dow Field is presented in seven parts. Each part has about 200 photographs each. Each group of 200 photographs are more or less related to each other.
These photographs should be of particular interest to anyone knowing a family member served at Dow Field around 1944. If you know a family member served around this time, there is a strong chance you would find a photograph or more of your relative. Almost all of the photographs that are dated indicate 1944. These photographs primarily cover activities on the base in Bangor, such as drills, at the base hospital, at commander's offices, and much more. However, large groups of pictures covering parties and outings with service member families are included too. Service members travel to Mt. Katahdin area, Schoodic Point, Pushaw Lake, Lake Lucerne, and more -- including a snow skiing trip.
The photographs have been compressed so that we could present all of them in a more browseable format. If you have questions about any photograph, contact Patrick Layne at Bangor Public Library.
Volume 1 Part 3 is predominantly leisure activities around the base, near Mt. Kineo, Buckport, and elsewhere across the state. Near the end a few dozen photos show training at Dow Field in September and October of 1944. The last few images are group pictures of servicemen in 1944.
Publication Date
Bangor, Maine
Dow Field, Dow Air Force Base, Dow AFB, Bangor Maine, 43rd Bombardment Group, World War II, 1379th AAF, Women's Army Corps
Recommended Citation
Thompson, Annis G., "Dow Field, Bangor, Maine: Album of Photographs Relating to Dow Field, Bangor, Maine -- Volume 1, Part 3" (1944). Dow Books and Photograph Albums. 11.