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Scrapbook consists primarily of photographs of the soldiers and officers of the 43rd Bombardment Group and the 1379th AAF of Dow Field circa 1945 in Bangor, Maine.
Military exercises on the base are shown, as are leisure activities on the base, and in the Maine woods. Several photographs reveal an open house event for the public on the base.
Most of the photographs are not dated. The few that are are dated 1945.
We do not have much information regarding this book and its photographs. It is presumed to have been compiled by First Lieutenant Annis G. Thompson, Historical Officer at Dow Field, who gave the library a similar scrapbook.
Publication Date
Bangor, Maine
Dow Field, Dow Air Force Base, Dow AFB, Bangor Maine, 43rd Bombardment Group, World War II, 1379th AAF
Recommended Citation
Thompson, Annis G., "Scrapbook of Photographs from Dow Field, Bangor, Maine" (1945). Dow Books and Photograph Albums. 1.