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"When the war ended in 1945, a wholesale grocer and a hardware jobber who were located In the downtown congested area of Bangor began looking for new sites for their warehouses. After surveying the entire area, they decided that the most desirable location was a tract of land about 2.5 miles from downtown Bangor, located on the main line of the railroad and on U.S. Route 2. The area consisted of a 260 acre farm. Since the interests of the two wholesalers coincided, they formed the Bangor Real Estate Development Company to purchase and develop the land.
After the land was purchased, the real estate company, with the help of engineers and architects, laid out parcels of land in the part of the district that it would first develop. It drained part of the area, graded it, and lnstalled roads, sewers, electrlclty, drainage facilities, and water. These Improvements were financed partially by the development company and partially by the city, under arrangements the city offers to anyone. The real estate company also had test borings made throughout the area to provide data on the type of Iand and the Ioads it will bear. The Maine Central Railroad built a lead track to the edge of the district and the real estate company financed over a mile of spur tracks to the rear of sites to prevent interference with street traffic, truck loading docks, and parking areas."
Includes several maps and photographs.
Publication Date
City of Bangor, Maine, Planning Board and Industrial Development Department
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Maine, urban renewal, City of Bangor Maine Planning Board and Industrial Development Department
Recommended Citation
City of Bangor, Maine, Planning Board and Industrial Development Department, "Bangor's Industrial Parks: City of Bangor, Maine, Planning Board and Industrial Development Department, 1956" (1956). Bangor Urban Renewal Documents. 8.