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One of the major objectives of Urban Renewal in Bangor will be to provide suitable, safe, decent and sanitary housing in well-planned and maintained neighborhoods. The removal of substandard structures is not enough. Definite efforts must be made to raise the quality of living accommodations as well as the homemaking habits and aspirations of those segments of the population who now are living or formerly have lived in slum settings. A cooperative endeavor among public agencies, home builders, realtors, civic groups and others is involved.
A Relocation Office will be established in the Stillwater Park Area to afford maximum accessibility to project site occupants. The office will be situated in a building slated for demolition in the final stage of the Relocation Program and will serve as a clearing house for information and service to site occupants. The Relocation Staff will work out of this office aiding in the social, psychological and physical adjustments required of families in their transition from one area of living, and one pattern of habits to another.
Commissioners included former Governor of Maine Robert N. Haskell, Mabel S. Wadsworth, John E. Coney, Max S. Kominsky, and Joseph R. Coupal, Jr.
Publication Date
Bangor Urban Renewal Authority
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Maine, urban renewal, Bangor Urban Renewal Authority, Bangor Maine 1950s, Bangor Maine 1960s, Robert N. Haskell, Mabel S. Wadsworth, John E. Coney, Max S. Kominsky, and Joseph R. Coupal, Jr.
Recommended Citation
Bangor Urban Renewal Authority, "Bangor Urban Renewal Relocation Guide" (1960). Bangor Urban Renewal Documents. 3.