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The year 1964 ran the gamut of local and federal approvals of the downtown projects from the filing of Part I of the Application for Loan and Grant in January to the execution of a Loan and Grant Contract in December.
The Kenduskeag Stream project embraces 50.7 acres situated in the central business district. The plan provides for the acquisition of 135 buildings while retaining 63 for conservation and rehabilitation. The assessed valuation of real estate that would be acquired is $4,200,000.
The principal objectives of the Kenduskeag Stream Urban Renewal Project are to preserve the economic vitality of the central business district as a retail center and wholesale market, to meet the demands for new retail floor space forecast in the Marketability Survey, to provide downtown sites for the relocation of existing wholesale uses, to develop new off-street parking areas which adequately support existing and new retail space, and to provide a circulation system which separates automotive from truck traffic and intercity from intracity traffic.
Publication Date
Bangor Urban Renewal Authority
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Maine, urban renewal, Kenduskeag Stream Urban Renewal Project, Stillwater Park Urban Renewal Project, Bangor Maine photographs, Bangor Maine 1950s, Bangor Maine 1960s
Recommended Citation
Bangor Urban Renewal Authority, "Bangor Urban Renewal Authority Annual Report 1964" (1964). Bangor Urban Renewal Documents. 13.