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The year 1958 saw more outward changes take piece in Bangor than ever before in its history. Construction on the Interstate Highway was well underway as Bangor received the first contract in the State because of a progressive Planning Department, which had a proposed plan ready when Federal and State money became available; the Capehart housing consisting of 530 units was under construction; the Bomarc Missile site; the completion of the new multi-million dollar runway at Dow Field; new modern buildings replacing dilapidated frame structures in downtown Bangor; as well as many new warehouses in our Industrial Park; and the virtual completion of the Main Street Interstate Bypass. All of these projects required close cooperation between the Federal, State and local government. The construction of a new upland water supply was started during the year. The city disposed of various surplus property with the purpose of returning to the tax rolls idle property, which if continued over the years, will help broaden the tax base. The Kenduskeag Stream parking project was voted down by the citizens but a serious parking need still exists, and something must be done soon to alleviate this problem to insure Bangor's continued prosperity.
Publication Date
City of Bangor, Maine
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Maine, history of Bangor Maine, government of Bangor Maine
Recommended Citation
City of Bangor, Maine, "Annual Report, Bangor, Maine: 1958" (1958). City of Bangor Annual Reports. 12.

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