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The builders of Maine have been forgotten. The inspirational traditions which form the background of the recorded history of Maine have their sources in war and in politics. The younger generation, whose future must depend so largely upon the solution of economic problems, has been deprived of knowledge of the experience of its ancestors by the omission from Maine education, and, indeed, from Maine history, of accurate information bearing on the economic development of Maine. This volume, entitled, "Maine Railroads," has been prepared in response to this apparent need.
The railroad men of today will probably find this book of little practical value in their work. I have avoided the use of statistics and have consciously neglected the background of contemporary economic factors necessary for an expert understanding of railroad history. My purpose has been to prepare for the people of Maine a short story of Maine railroads, a story containing no more than an intelligent citizen of Maine ought to know.
Publication Date
The Southworth Press
Portland, Maine
Maine Railroad History, 19th Century Railroad History
Recommended Citation
Chase, Edward Everett, "Maine Railroads: A History of the Development of the Maine Railroad System" (1926). Books and Publications. 79.

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