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Each year a greater number of people are discovering opportunities for relaxation and enjoyment in the winter season. Whether this takes the form of skiing and winter sports or simply a restful stay at one of the many fine hotels, motels, inns or sporting camps that remain open year-round, Maine invites you to spend your "Winter Holiday" in the Pine Tree State this year.
The State of Maine, with 33,040 square miles of all grades of forested terrain -- majestic Pine and Spruce in a blanket of white -- is a veritable "Christmas Tree land" from December into April.
The ever changing artistry of Nature, bathing the countryside in a cloak of winter white is a challenge to artists and photographers and a delight to the vacation-traveller.
A fresh fall of snow clinging to the endless forests of evergreen, glistening like trillions of priceless jewels in the warming sun; a grey-blue sea along 2,500 miles of jutted coastline, smoking skyward on a frosty morning; the exhilaration of a winter walk along the stillness of a country lane and the thrill of gliding over any one of 2,500 crystal-clear ice locked lakes and ponds, on a moonlight night-these are some of the rewards waiting the winter vacationist in Maine this year.
The public roadway system containing 3,000 miles of U. S. and State Highways, 106 miles of Turnpike, and 22,000 miles of secondary and "feeder" roads are kept open, well plowed and sanded, regardless of weather.
Although not generally regarded as a "mountain State", Maine has several spectacular mountain ranges containing 20 peaks over 4,000', 300 well over 3,000', and innumerable lesser mountains and hills.
Publication Date
Maine Publicity Bureau
Portland, Maine
Maine Tourism, Winter, Ski Areas, Sugarloaf Mountain, Bethel, Maine, Pleasant Mountain, Bridgton, Maine
Recommended Citation
Maine Publicity Bureau, "Maine for winter vacations" (1956). Books and Publications. 74.

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This is the 8th edition.
Contains advertisements for winter tourism circa 1956. Many color photographs throughout.