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Maine invites you to enjoy the glories of her forests, the beauty of her thousands of lakes and hills, the music of her brooks, the clamor of her streams, the sweep of her great rivers, and the majesty of her rock-bound coast and sea-girt islands.
Nowhere is scenery more varied and charming. Nowhere is summer more congenial. Nowhere dwells a more hospitable people.
Maine extends a cordial invitation and assures you a friendly welcome whether you come for a week, for the summer or as a year around resident. Come by train, by boat, by motor. If by motor, you'll find well-marked motor-trails and highways on which sixty millions of dollars have been expended during the last ten years, and for whose upkeep and improvement the last legislature made available funds amounting to eighteen millions.
You'll find Maine a state of great natural resources for the development of industry, a state with great areas of land of high fertility yielding potatoes, apples, peas and corn that set the world's standards, a state which after the roll of three centuries is still a land of promise and progress.
The latch-string is out. Come this year and every year to Maine, land of happy, remembered vacations and smiling skies.
Maine Development Commission, 1928
Publication Date
Maine Development Commision
Augusta, Maine
Maine Tourism, Historic Photographs of Maine
Recommended Citation
Maine Publicity Bureau, "Maine Invites You" (1928). Books and Publications. 59.

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Cover: "Maine: The Summer Playground of the Nation"
Note: This booklet was printed in Maine, using Maine paper - facts