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To Ezekiel Holmes, Esq. of Winthrop,
Sir : Pursuant to the above order of the Board of Internal Improvements, you are authorized and requested to select suitable assistants, and proceed as soon as practicable in the above mentioned exploration and survey, which you will finish in such a manner as in your opinion may best promote the interest of the State. You will make a reconnoisance of the Sebois River and ascertain the practicability of a water communication between this river and La Pompique, also between the Little Machias and Fish Rivers, and at such other points on the Aroostook between the St. John and Penobscot Rivers, as you may deem advisable. You will examine the geology and mineralogy of the country, and present in your Report a topographical account of the same -- describing the streams, mill sites, mountains, ponds, bogs, &c.; the growth, quality and extent of different soils, and in what direction it will be advisable to open roads and the facilities for making the same. You will notice the climate, in what it differs from the settled parts of the State -- the adaptation of that region for particular products -- the facilities for boating, and the transportation of lumber, and all such other particulars as you may deem valuable. You are requested to return specimens of minerals and soils to this office with localities designated, and interesting specimens of natural history, such as fossils, bones, horns, shells, plants, seeds, &c., when the same can be done without much inconvenience.
Elijah L. Hamlin, Land Agent.
May 1st, 1838
Publication Date
Smith & Robinson, printers to the state
Augusta, Maine
State of Maine, Land Surveying, Aroostook River, Penobscot County, Aroostook County
Recommended Citation
Holmes, Ezekiel, "Report of an exploration and survey of the territory on the Aroostook River, during the spring and autumn of 1838" (1839). Books and Publications. 57.

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The survey was authorized by the Board of Internal Improvements of Maine.