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This volume contains a more or less nomadic collection of verse, produced throughout a period of forty years in an otherwise active life. It represents selected subjects, several of which have never been offered for publication. Some have elicited favorable comment; others have been reprinted in books and magazines or preserved in the scrap books of friends and acquaintances. A few have been declaimed on various occasions. It is the sincere hope of the subscriber that the book may find a permanent place in the esteem of the reading public.
W. D. S.
Augusta, Maine, December 19, 1934.
Publication Date
Printed and Bound at Kennebec Journal Print Shop
Augusta, Maine
Poetry, Maine Author
Recommended Citation
Spencer, Wilbur Daniel, "From out the void: a volume of verse" (1934). Books and Publications. 39.

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Some illustrations by Maine artist Leon Harold Tebbetts.