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Provides a sketch of each town listed, as well as extensive biographies of many of the leading businesses/businessmen of each town.
Book is 262 pages. Bangor consists of pages 1-123. Rockland is pages 124-160. Thomaston 161-167. Ellsworth 168-188. Old Town 188-203. Camden 204-213. Rockport 213-216. Bucksport 217-225. Brewer 225-230. Orono 231-234. Belfast 235-256. Last six pages are advertisements for primarily Bangor businesses.
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Publication Date
Mercantile Publishing Company
Boston Massachusetts
Bangor Maine business history 19th century, Rockland business history 19th century, Ellsworth business history 19th century, Bucksport business history 19th century, Belfast business history 19th century, Camden business history 19th century, Rockport business history 19th century, Thomaston business history 19th century, Oldtown business history 19th century, Orono business history 19th century, Brewer business history 19th century
Recommended Citation
Mercantile Publishing Company, "Leading Business Men of Bangor, Rockland and Vicinity: Embracing Ellsworth, Bucksport, Belfast, Camden, Rockport, Thomaston, Oldtown, Orono, Brewer, Maine 1888" (1888). Books and Publications. 369.