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Contains the official directory of local unions located in Bangor, Maine, as of Monday, September 1, 1902. Advertisements for local businesses are included. A parade occurred that day, running from "Up Main to High, to Hammond, to State, to Exchange, to Washington, to Oak and Broadway, to Otis, countermarch to Park View Ave., circle Chapin Park where a rest of 15 minutes will be made for refreshments. Take up line of march down Forest Avenue to State, to Harlow, to Central, to Main, to Maplewood Park, where the parade will be dismissed."
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Bangor Maine
Bangor Maine history 20th century, Bangor Maine businesses 20th century
Recommended Citation
Combined Labor Organizations, "Souvenir Program 1902 Grand Auspices of Combined Labor Organizations Labor Day" (1902). Books and Publications. 360.