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As this is the book to be distributed by the Board of World's Fair Managers of Maine, to the thousands who will visit the Columbian Exposition at Chicago, in 1893, we preface the descriptions and illustrations of the many beautiful attractions and industries, by fine portraits of Governor Edwin C. Hurleigh, who was foremost in advocating and approved the appropriation to enable Maine to erect a building and exhibit her manufactures, minerals, metals, and all specimens of her handiwork. Also, that of our present Governor, who is heartily in favor of same. Following these are portraits of all the members of the Commission, with short biographical sketches. The remainder of the book will be devoted to our beautiful summer resorts, mineral springs, unexcelled system of railroads, steamer lines, manufactures, and all our industries. Also the pride of the state "our fish and game." Elegant illustrations of all will adorn the book.
Publication Date
The Moss Engraving Company
New York
Chicago World's Fair and Chicago Columbian Exposition, World's Columbian Exposition, Maine history, Maine history 19th century
Recommended Citation
Haynes, George H., "The State of Maine in 1893 by George H. Haynes" (1893). Books and Publications. 355.

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