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"The thousands of vacationists who come to enjoy Maine's famous recreational facilities each year take away with them also a long-lasting respect for our good Maine foods.
From their frequent inquiries, it is apparent that very few realize how many of these foods are available the year 'round in their own communities.
So we have prepared this combination recipe book and directory of Maine Canned Foods to make it easy for these good friends to distinguish, in their local markets, the many products packed in the State of Maine from foods grown here and from sea foods caught in Maine coastal waters.
Those, too, who have not yet enjoyed first-hand a real "Down East" meal, but who have a discerning taste for high quality and distinctive flavor in foods, will find it worthwhile to look for the labels of Maine canners when they buy canned sweet corn, beans, peas, blueberries, clams, sardines, crab meat and other sea foods."
Sumner Sewall, Governor of Maine
Publication Date
Maine Development Commission
Augusta, Maine
Maine food industry history, Maine canning industry history
Recommended Citation
Maine Development Commission, Maine Department of Agriculture, Maine Department of Sea and Shore Fisheries, Maine Canners' Association, and Maine Sardine Packers' Association, "121 Tested Recipes Made with Famous State of Maine Canned Foods" (1941). Books and Publications. 350.

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