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"In devoting this number of the TOURIST to scenes that appeal to the yachtsman, we are sure we shall receive the thanks of all who love the pleasures of boating.
These pleasures largely depend upon the course, and where is there a more ideal sailing course than the forty miles in Penobscot Bay between Owl's Head and Fort Point? The channel is from four to ten miles wide, very deep, and free from shallows or rocks. There are fine harbors every few miles, where the anchor can be dropped, and hotels are so frequent that every night can be spent on shore enjoying the social amenities which are always extended to yachtsmen. No class of visitors are so welcome as they, or more cordially entertained. This whole region is a paradise for boating men, and during August its waters are alive with the white sails of the yachts. The cruise usually ends at Bar Harbor, but the favorite anchorages are at Rockland and Camden. The view on the outside cover of this number of the TOURIST shows the fleet of the Eastern yacht club anchored in Camden Harbor in the lee of Sherman's Point."
A fantastic source of information and photographs about sailing and vacationing in the Penobscot Bay area from Bangor to Belfast to Camden to Rockland and many more points along the way.
Publication Date
New England Summer Resort Association
Boston, Massachusetts
Penobscot River, 19th century sailing Maine, 19th century vacation Maine, steamship history Maine, Bangor Maine 19th century, Camden Maine 19th century, Belfast Maine 19th century, Rockland Maine 19th century, Northport Maine 19th century
Recommended Citation
New England Summer Resort Association, "New England Tourist, Volume 2, No.2, August 1896" (1896). Books and Publications. 348.

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