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We, the undersigned, Harry L. Wheelden, Charles P. Conners,Elwood L. Kimball, W. Herbert Bragg, all of Bangor, County of Penobscot, State of Maine, J. Sherman Douglas of Lamoine, County of Hancock, and Winfield S. Stratton, and Hervey B. Scammon, both of Hancock, in the County of Hancock, State of Maine, hereby associate ourselves together for the purpose of forming a corporation under the laws of the State of Maine, to be called The Shore Line Electric Company.
The purposes of said corporation are: To make, generate, sell, distribute, and supply electricity for lighting, heating, manufacturing, and mechanical purposes in the adjoining towns of Trenton, Lamoine, Hancock, Franklin, Sullivan, Sorrento, Gouldsboro, Winter Harbor, and Prospect Harbor located in the County of Hancock and State of Maine, and Steuben, Unionville, Milbridge, Cherryfield, Harrington, Addison, Columbia, Columbia Falls, Jonesport, Jonesboro, and Whitneyville, in the County of Washington, State of Maine but without authority to furnish its service in or to any city or town in or to which another corporation, person or association is furnishing or is authorized to furnish a similar service, without the consent of the Public Utilities Commission, or unless authorized by special act of the legislature.
November 5, 1924
Publication Date
Shore Line Electric Company
Bangor, Maine
Shore Line Electric Company, Bangor Maine history, electric power history Maine, electric power history Washington County Maine, electric power history Hancock County Maine
Recommended Citation
Shore Line Electric Company, "The Shore Line Electric Company: Articles of Association : By-Laws : Records Years 1924 Thru 1930" (1930). Books and Publications. 331.

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