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Nature's bounties have been so richly bestowed upon the State of Maine as to make the depiction, or even the description, of all of its myriad beauties an impossibility. No one volume, however large, however replete with words and pictures, could possibly suffice to accurately portray even a part of its scenic whole. Nor can any man-made medium of portrayal, whether pen, pencil, or artist's brush, hope to capture the matchless beauty of Maine's seashore, hills, fields, lakes and streams.
The author has herein done his humble best to depict in word and picture a few, a very few, of Maine's interesting places. If the contents of this volume may serve to give the visitor an incentive to explore Maine's captivating Eden; if it may revive, in the native, a memory of places seen, and enchanting hours spent, then the author has no apology -- save one -- to offer. And that apology must he, perforce, to Nature.
Publication Date
M.M. Citrin Company
Portland Maine
Maine art, Maine drawings, Maine sketches, Maine tourist destinations
Recommended Citation
Citrin, Michael Mayo, "The Maine Sketchbook: Drawings and Descriptions of Vacationland's Most Interesting Spots" (1937). Books and Publications. 323.

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