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Showcases thhe attractions, the business enterprises and the schools of Bangor, which is fittingly called the metropolis of Eastern Maine. Long ago Bangor took a front place among the progressive cities of New England, and the disastrous fire of April 30, 1911, which burned over an area of fifty-five acres, destroying about three million dollars' worth of property, proved only a temporary setback. Bangor, to-day, shows many improvements over the city of four years ago. Larger and handsomer buildings, in the majority of cases, have replaced those that were burned, and the spirit, enterprise and indomitable energy of her citizens have continued unabated.
From the v.28, no.5, September 1915 issue of the Chamber of Commerce Journal of Maine.
Publication Date
Chamber of Commerce Journal of Maine
Portland, Maine
Bangor Maine, history of Bangor Maine, business history of Bangor Maine, Bangor Maine fire of 1911
Recommended Citation
Chamber of Commerce Journal of Maine, "Prosperous Bangor, Queen City of the East" (1915). Books and Publications. 311.

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