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A pocket-sized guide listing street locations in Bangor and the surrounding area circa 1957. Includes brief listing of facts for several towns, as well as the University of Maine in Orono.
Perhaps the best passages are these:
"Residents of Eastern Maine's two largest cities gathered at the new Bangor-Brewer bridge on November 11, 1954 and dedicated the $2 1/2 million span.
The day marked one of the most significant steps of progress Eastern Maine has seen in many, many years. Shooting over 1406 feet across the Penobscot River the span is easing the travel in and out of the area. Existing industry in the state are benefiting by the bridge, and tourists are finding travel is much easier with the span. The businessman driving home during the rush hours finds that he is wasting less time waiting for creeping traffic to move.
When the Old Bon Ton Ferries were operating many years ago, it seemed that one of the captains remarked that someday a bridge would be built across the river on the same path that his boat took. Today the new bridge follows that path and motorists are paying a little more than a ferry fare to cross the river - - three cents.
It took almost a year and a half, a cost of about $2 1/2 million, tons and tons of cement, steel and other materials and unestimated man hours to complete the dream that had been buzzing around in the minds of many progressive leaders in the two benefited cities."
Publication Date
Penobscot News Agency
Boston, Massachusetts
Bangor Maine street directory, Brewer Maine street directory, Ellsworth Maine street directory, Hampden Maine street directory, Old Town Maine street directory, Orono Maine street directory, Veazie Maine street directory
Recommended Citation
Penobscot News Agency and Interstate Publishing Company, "Directory of Streets and Information for Bangor and Vicinity Maine (Including Brewer, Ellsworth, Hampden, Old Town, Orono, & Veazie)" (1957). Books and Publications. 309.

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