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What is 'Quoddy?
'Quoddy is the familiar name now widely used to refer to the International Passamaquoddy Tidal Power Project.
'Quoddy is a farsighted venture in international cooperation between the two great neighbors of the North American continent.
'Quoddy in essence is a plan to harness the tremendous tides of the Passamaquoddy Bay region of New England and the Canadian province of New Brunswick for the production of cheap, ample electric power.
This pamphlet details the plans circa June 1950, which never came to fruition, despite attempts at the time, in the past, and even into the 1960s and 1970s, for the project.
Publication Date
Maine Development Commission
Augusta, Maine
Passamaquoddy Tidal Power Project, Passamaquoddy Bay, Bay of Fundy, Cobscook Bay, Eastport Maine, Lubec Maine
Recommended Citation
Maine Development Commission, "Let's Get All the Facts about 'Quoddy" (1950). Books and Publications. 286.