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"April Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Eleven, dawned clear and bright on the historic old city of Bangor. It was the first Sunday of the year to show signs of the joyousness of Spring and throughout the day hundreds of pleasure seekers thronged the streets. No sign of the coming catastrophe marred the happiness of the young or the contentment of the old. It was a day of beauty and the horror of its aftermath was beyond conjecture.
Shortly after four o'clock in the afternoon an alarm of fire was nmg from Box 24, the origin of which will remain unaccountable, calling the fire department to the burning hay shed of ]. Frank Green on Broad street. Hundreds thronged to view the spectacle of the blazing building, little dreaming that from this small beginning a conflagration, covering an area of over sixty acres, would result. Chief Mason soon realized the danger of the situation on account of the high wind and sent in a call for the remainder of the fire apparatus. Several small fires in the immediate vicinity of the hay shed were quickly extinguished and it appeared to the casual observer that the fire was under control. Some of the people were leaving the scene of the Broad street blaze, when the sight of fire on Exchange street, in the building occupied by the Telephone Exchange, arrested their movements for a time."
Publication Date
Kennebec Journal Print
Augusta, Maine
Bangor fire, Bangor Maine, Bangor Maine early 20th century, Bangor Maine photographs, April 30, 1911
Recommended Citation
Callinan, Michael J., "The Bangor Fire, April 30, 1911: A True Story of the Fire" (1911). Books and Publications. 283.

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