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An analysis of the needs to change the streets and traffic patterns in Bangor, Maine, complete with diagrams and maps.
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Times have changed.
In the early days of Bangor's growth, making a new street was no problem at all. Survey a couple of straight lines over any kind of land, uphill or downhill; scrape out between the lines; perhaps throw back a little gravel, and the street was ready for business. As the city grew more streets were laid out in the same way. It was a mechanical process, and the result was a mechanical system of straight streets intersected at right angles by other straight streets. Except for a period of Spring mud, this expanding, gridiron street system provided pretty decent roadways for the surreys, buckboards, and Bangor Buggies.
Times have changed. The leisurely pace of the surrey has given way to the speed and pounding of the automobile. The old street system just isn't built for the onrush of "traffic." Streets, which are natural traffic arteries, are in many cases too narrow to carry traffic efficiently. Too many intersections cut the efficiency still further, and cause too many accidents. More accidents are caused by the slippery grades of "up and down" streets.
Publication Date
Bangor City Planning Board
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Maine, urban renewal, urban planning, street plans, traffic flow
Recommended Citation
Bangor City Planning Board, "The Tentative Street Plan" (1948). Books and Publications. 261.
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Much of this report was later used in the 1951 document, A Master Plan: Bangor, Maine.