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Summary of the Report

The following report is a condensation of a more complete Schools, Parks and Recreation Report which is on file in the Planning Office. It indicates the preliminary ideas of the Planning Board on parts of the Master Plan.

Briefly the report discusses the following subjects: 1) The need and the location of future elementary schools. 2) The coordination of school play areas with city recreation areas. 3) The need and the location of future recreation facilities such as Playfields // Playgrounds // Parks of all types // Indoor facilities // Swimming pools // And other special facilities

These are tentative ideas. This report is published so that all the people of Bangor will be able to express their opinions before these ideas are adopted as parts of the Bangor Master Plan.

Publication Date



Bangor City Planning Board


Bangor, Maine


Bangor Maine, urban renewal, urban planning, Bangor schools, Bangor parks


Much of this information would later be re-used in A Master Plan: Bangor, Maine.

The Tentative School, Park, and Recreation Plan



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