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Bangor is recognized as one of the busiest and most progressive cities in New England. In no other eastern city does the so-called "western spirit" prevail to such an extent as in Bangor. The conflagration of 1911 which did damage to the amount of $4,000,000 has served to cement the common interests and Bangor is building and booming in a manner which has evoked wide commendation. The new Bangor will be even better and busier city than the old.
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C.H. Glass & Co.
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Maine, history of Bangor Maine, historic photographs of Bangor, Bangor photographs 20th century, Bangor businesses 20th century, Bangor businesses early 20th century, Bangor businessmen 20th century, Bangor business men early 20th century
Recommended Citation
C.H. Glass & Co., "Bangor, Maine: A City of Progress" (1912). Books and Publications. 241.

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