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History gives the distinction of Bangor's first settler to Jacob Buswell who, in 1769, built a log hut near the present site of St. John's Catholic Church. Among the French and Indians, Bangor was known variously as Kadesquit, Conduskeag and, later, Kenduskeag. In 1776 there were some 75 persons, adults and children, resident in Kenduskeag Plantation, the settlement being in the neighborhood of Penjejawock stream, near Mt. Hope Cemetery. Following the close of the Revolutionary War, more settlers arrived and with them was the first pastor, Reverend Seth Noble, a native of Westfield, Mass.

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Bangor Chamber of Commerce


Bangor, Maine


Bangor Maine, history of Bangor Maine, historic photographs of Bangor, Bangor photographs 19th century, Bangor photographs 20th century, Bangor Maine tourism, Bangor Maine Chamber of Commerce

Bangor: The Center of Maine



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