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Bangor is the easternmost city of its size in the United States. It is distant about 250 miles northeast from Boston, either by land or water, and west from St. John, N. B., a little more than 200 miles. It is reached from western points by both day and night train service from Boston and Portland, over one of the best railway systems of New England, and by a line of first-class passenger steamers making daily trips between Boston and Bangor during the summer months, and from two to four trips weekly the remainder of the year. Three trains daily the year round furnish Eastern connections with St. John, Halifax and all points in the Maritime Provinces of Canada. The train known as the "Flying Yankee" makes the run between Boston and St. John, upwards of 450 miles, in less than fifteen hours, thus bringing Bangor within eight hours of Boston, and seven hours from St. John. There is also from Boston during the season of summer travel the famous vestibuled train known as the "Bar Harbor Limited," which makes exceptionally fast time, is elegantly equipped, and runs via Bangor through to Bar Harbor, Mount Desert. Soon, however, Bangor's facilities for intercourse with the central districts of the country and the Great West will be greatly increased, by the completion of the Canadian Pacific's eastern extension to connections with the railway systems of Maine, thereby securing an outlet to the various important winter ports of Maine and New Brunswick.
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Bangor Board of Trade
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Maine, Bangor 19th century, Bangor businesses, Bangor industries, Bangor history
Recommended Citation
Bangor Board of Trade, "The City of Bangor "Queen City of the East"" (1888). Books and Publications. 235.

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