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The Managers of the Temporary Home for Women and Children present their fourth annual report with an increasing confidence in their work, claiming that their charity is "far-reaching and true." While the immediate wants of these needy ones are first attended to, the best efforts of the ladies are given to show them it is happier to lead better lives than degraded ones -- to bring personal influence to bear on each, to persuade them to industry, thrift, honesty, faithfulness to their children, and all that tends to a higher morality; in short, "to give right direction to lives that from inheritance, misfortune or wrong doing would otherwise tend to poverty and sin."
One of our greatest aids in these efforts is the influence of a home -- a blessing hitherto unknown to most of our inmates; many of them return during a change of places as to their own home, and we find them susceptible to the reformatory control of the matron and her assistant.
Publication Date
William M. Marks, Printer
Portland, Maine
Temporary Home for Women and Children of Maine, Portland, Maine
Recommended Citation
Temporary Home for Women and Children of Maine, "4th Annual Report of the Temporary Home for Women and Children of Maine" (1886). Books and Publications. 21.

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