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It has been our endeavor in these pages, to depict the scenes and incidents occuring at home, during the Rebellion, rather than the giving of a minute description of the varied experiences of the thousands, who marched away from Eastern Maine, at their Country's call.
We lay no claim to high literary merit, simply placing before you, in condensed form, the facts; believing that as the memories of the older readers are quickened, and the younger generation learn of the experiences of fathers and mothers, in their efforts to preserve the Union, all will find something of deep interest.
R.H. Stanley / Geo.O. Hall
Publication Date
R.H. Stanley & Company
Bangor, Maine
Maine, Civil War, 1861-65, Eastern Maine regiments
Military History
Recommended Citation
Stanley, Ruel H. and Hall, George O., "Eastern Maine and the Rebellion: being an account of the principal local events in eastern Maine during the war" (1887). Books and Publications. 193.

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