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I hope that none of the members in present attendance at this meeting has been lured from his comfortable den by the announcement of the title of my contribution for today as an offering to revive the highly controversial topic of the character, purpose and continuity of the Popham Colony which settled on the Maine coast in 1607. Members whose memory runs back three score years can recall the almost riotous interchange of verbal encounters which signalized the dedication of a tablet by the Maine Historical Society in memory of the first formal settlement undertaken by Englishmen on a bleak and forbidding promontory at the mouth of the Kennebec River.
Publication Date
American Antiquarian Society
Worcester, Massachusetts
Popham Colony, Kennebec River, Sagadahoc Colony, Phippsburg Maine, 1607, Virginia Company of Plymouth, George Popham, Gift of God
Recommended Citation
Banks, Charles Edward, "New Documents Relating to the Popham Expedition, 1607" (1930). Books and Publications. 178.

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