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Closing paragraphs:
It is believed that the line above described is now sufficiently marked and designated to afford a distinguishable and permanent dividing line, which will subserve all the purposes of the two States equally well as a more expensive system of monuments.
All of which is respectfully submitted, John W. Wilson (on the part of Maine), Henry O. Kent (on the part of New Hampshire), Dated the 21st day of December, A.D., 1858
Publication Date
George G. Fogg
Concord, New Hampshire
Maine, New Hampshire, political boundary, surveying
Recommended Citation
Kent, Henry O., "Report of Henry O. Kent, Commissioned on the Part of New Hampshire to Ascertain, Survey and Mark the Eastern Boundary of Said State, from the Town of Fryeburg to the Canada Line. A.D., 1859" (1859). Books and Publications. 163.

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