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We ought not to take advantage of the security which we feel against any such danger in the present case to refuse to a limited class of women that small amount of participation in the enactment and the improvement of our laws which this motion solicits for them, and which would enable the general feelings of women to be heard in this house through a few female representatives.
We ought not to deny to them what we are going to accord to everybody else : a right to be consulted; the common chance of placing in the great council of the nation a few organs of their sentiments; of having what every petty trade or profession has -- a few members of the legislature, with a special call to stand up for their interests, and direct attention to the mode in which those interests are affected by the law, or by any changes in it.
Publication Date
suffrage, John Stuart Mill
Recommended Citation
Mill, John Stuart, "Suffrage for Women: Speech in the British Parliament, May 20, 1867" (1867). Books and Publications. 161.

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