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This Route Book is presented to the Tourist with the compliments of the National Touring Bureau of The B.F. Goodrich Company. It is published and distributed with the object of stimulating touring and road improvement -- of providing exact and convenient directions for the tourist, and of adding still more to the meaning of "Goodrich Service."
It charts the maine lines of automobile travel in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont with connecting routes to Montreal and Quebec, the Lake George and Lake Champlain district and into New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.
Goodrich Guide Post signs are erected on a number of these routes. This Guide Post work will be continued so as to cover all of the main lines of automobile travel, same being erected only at confusing xroads, forks and left and right-hand turns. A Goodrich Guide Post sign will be furnished gratis to any responsible party for erection at a confusing turn or xroad.
Publication Date
B.F. Goodrich Company
Akron, Ohio
B.F. Goodrich Company, automobile travel, guidebook, New England travel, New England guidebook, New England roads
Recommended Citation
B.F. Goodrich Company, "Goodrich Route Book of New England North" (1916). Books and Publications. 145.

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