"War-Risk Insurance: Speech of Hon. Ira G. Hersey of Maine in the House" by Ira Greenleaf Hersey



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[Concerns H.R. 5723 to amend an act entitled "An act to authorize the establishment of a Bureau of War-Risk Insurance in the Treasury Department" approved September 2, 1914]:

The result of the passage of this bill in its present form will entail a needless expense of millions upon the taxpayers of the country in this time of greatest need and while on every hand we are being exhorted by the administration to practice in legislation the most rigid economy.

The present bill and new bureau will also give shelter and power to a new army of place hunters and officeholders who will fatten at the expense of the people. Unless these objectionable features are eliminated from the bill, I can not consent to wrong the American soldier abroad and betray the rights of the people at home by giving it my support.

Publication Date







Ira Greenleaf Hersey, United States House of Representatives, World War I


GPO publication 12699-17900

War-Risk Insurance: Speech of Hon. Ira G. Hersey of Maine in the House of Representatives, Monday, September 10, 1917



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