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Maine Wesleyan Seminary, Nov. 10, 1835,
Gentlemen -- I herewith transmit to you a copy of the Poem to which you allude in your note of the 6th inst. You are aware under what pressure of other duties the Poem was thrown together; at intervals, too, when the mind is least poetical. It was designed, moreover, merely for delivery. In presenting you with this copy, I feel urged to accompany it with these remarks, hoping that you will consider it as an offering to you, rather than to the public. With sentiments of respect, I am most obediently yours.
B.F. Tefft
Publication Date
Glazier, Masters, & Smith
Hallowell, Maine
Maine Wesleyan Seminary, Calliopean Society
Recommended Citation
Tefft, Benjamin F., "An Appeal to American Patriots: A Poem" (1836). Books and Publications. 102.

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Full title: An Appeal to American Patriots: A Poem, Pronounced before the Calliopean Society, of the Maine Wesleyan Seminary, at its Later Anniversary, October 13th, 1835