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It is with combined pleasure and pride that we present to the Journal readers this month the story of Bangor, the Queen City of the East; a city coming out of her ashes more queenly than ever before. We say with pleasure and pride because it is a real pleasure to be able to speak well of friends, and Bangor and Portland are becoming closer friends as they become better acquainted, and too, the whole state viewed with pride the sp'endid "Maine spirit" evinced by the citizens of Bangor when they met the calamity of 1911, when some $4,000,000 worth of her best business and residential property melted away in a mighty conflagration.
The writer was on the scene within twentyfour hours of the inciclent and was much impressed by the buoyant spirit evident on all sides. As one man put it: "It is a severe loss but in the end is going to prove a mighty good thing for Bangor. lt is going to afford her a much-desired opportunity to develop a city-planning scheme which otherwise would have been impossible, and you are going to see a bigger, better and more beautiful Bangor come of these ashes than would have seemed possible two days ago.'' How well the city has lived up to this statement of one of her citizens, you members of the State Board, in session here today , hear personal witness.
Publication Date
Board of Trade Journal
Portland, Maine
Bangor Maine, fire of 1911, renovation, city planning, Bangor photographs, Bangor homes, Bangor businesses, Bangor business advertisements
Recommended Citation
Board of Trade Journal, "Getting Acquainted with Bangor, Maine" (1912). Books and Publications. 190.

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Published as the September 1912, v.25, no.5 issue of the Board of Trade Journal.