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This undated pamphlet (believed to have been published between 1910-1920) shows the styles of wood mantels, stair rails, and stair balusters manufactured by the Dole & Fogg Company. Dole & Fogg, established in 1855, was located on Front Street in Bangor. Included is a price guide for each item displayed in the catalougue. There are known missing pages (pages 5-6 and pages 51-54).
Publication Date
C.W. Calkins and Company
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Maine, historic business, wood work, fireplace mantels, Bangor Maine manufacturing history
Recommended Citation
Dole & Fogg, "Dole & Fogg, Company's Catalogue for Wood Mantels, Stair Work, Etc." (1915). Books and Publications. 184.

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