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It has been thought best in presenting the Annual Report of our work for 1893 to enter somewhat into the object of our existence, the work we aim to do, and what actually comes into our hands to do. The statistics for the past year will be given in· a separate report as usual.
The Temporary Home for Women and Children was instituted eleven years ago, to supply a great and long felt need, namely a temporary home for women and children needing from any cause and in any emergency, a helping hand. It is a State Institution, and yet is not limited to those of our own State household, any one found within our borders is offered such assistance as she may need to help her to self-support, or to assist her to her friends.
Publication Date
William M. Marks, Printer
Portland, Maine
Temporary Home for Women and Children of Maine, Portland, Maine
Recommended Citation
Temporary Home for Women and Children of Maine, "11th Annual Report of the Temporary Home for Women and Children of Maine" (1893). Books and Publications. 14.

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