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Getting to the Maine Woods in the old days meant travel by team and stagecoach, by slow steamboats and canoes, a journey calling for time and patience, while today, an overnight trip from Boston or New York with all the comforts of modern travel makes possible arrival in the woods the next morning. Despite their long-time popularity the Maine Woods show yearly increases in visitors. All the "original" vacation spots continue to attract and almost each season sees new places coming into favor, noteworthy among these being the marvelous country in the Mt. Katahdin region, which offers in great abundance many forms of vacation pleasures, anc climbing Mt. Katahdin, long one of the special attractions of the Maine Woods, has become a foremost vacation program.
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Bangor and Aroostook Railroad
Bangor and Aroostook Railroad, Maine tourism, Maine sporting business advertisements, Maine camp advertisements, Maine tourism pictorial works
Recommended Citation
Bangor and Aroostook Railroad, "In the Maine Woods: 1927 Edition" (1927). Maine Railroad Publications. 6.