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One hundred successful years have gone by since that day in 1852 when eleven public-spirited Bangor citizens met together to incorporate the Bangor Savings Bank; 100 years of peace and war; of good times and bad. And down through these years the bank has followed the same slogan with which it began service to the community -- always keeping faith with the community as its needs grew.

Today the bank's aims and purposes differ very little from those set forth in one of the earliest pass books of a century ago, namely :

"To afford those who are desirous of saving their money the means of employing it to advantage without running the risk of losing it, as they are frequently exposed to do by lending it to individuals who either fail or defraud them. It is intended to encourage the industrious and prudent, and to induce those who have not hitherto been such, to lessen their unnecessary expenses, and to save and lay by something for a period of life when they will be less able to earn a support."

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Bangor Savings Bank


Bangor, Maine


Bangor Savings Bank, Bangor Maine, Bangor Maine history, Bangor Maine photographs

Rounding Out a Century, 1852-1952: Bangor Savings Bank



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