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"No book this size could ever hope to record completely, day by day, mission by mission, the history of the 445th Bombardment Group. Since various limitations did exist and handicap the publication of our Group History, the only alternative was to select such material as would most emphatically demonstrate how superior our Group really was.
The photographs selected for use in the book were chosen because they were the most representative of those available. Every attempt was made to provide at least token representation of the few activities and sections not included; however, the fact that some parts of our Group organization have not been included indicates that these attempts were unsuccessful.
Because of many changes in Squadron Staff personnel throughout the life of the Group, it was not thought advisable to list the many persons involved. Instead, it was left to various photographs to tell about these men.
I sincerely hope that in the years to come this book will recall dimming memories, and that it will always serve as convincing evidence that ours was one of the best Groups in the Army Air Forces.
· Rudolph J. Birsic, July, 1947
Publication Date
Glendale, California
United States Air Force, World War 1939-1945, Regimental histories, 445th Bombardment Group, 2nd Combat Wing, 2nd Air Division, 8th Air Force, Tibenham, Norfolk England
Military History
Recommended Citation
Birsic, Rudolph J., "The history of the 445th Bombardment Group (H) (unofficial)" (1947). Regimental Histories. 98.

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