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"This book or album is an attempt to provide a pictorial history of the activities of the 82nd U.S. Naval Construction Battalion. While it may contain a goodly number of pictures, we regret that more were not available and that some of the events associated with the outfit and work are not included. Many of the Battalion films and negatives were unusable because of the tropical heat, accidents, and lack of cooling facilities for developers and fixers. Many subjects, which might have been included, were not taken because there were considered military and suitable only for official reports. While some events may have been caught by individuals with "illegal" cameras, most of the negatives had been mailed "Stateside" and the available prints were too small for copying and enlargement.
There are practically no pictures of activities on Vella Lavella because the small contingent had no assigned photographer. We wish to express our appreciation to the 58th USNCB which has so kindly supplied us with some material from its files. Likewise, we are grateful to the 87th USNCB for some of the material concerning the Stirling Island strip.
We have done as much as we could with what we had. We have tried conscientiously to make the roster and address section correct in order that it may be of value to you. It is correct as of July 15, 1946. We sincerely hope that this book will provide you with many memories of your life with the "Fighting 82nd" and the immeasurable contributions and uncountable sacrifices which you made to help the armed forces of the United States achieve victory."
-The Staff
Publication Date
United States Navy, World War 1939-1945, Regimental Histories, 82nd Construction Battalion
Military History
Recommended Citation
United States Navy, "Eighty-second U.S. Naval Construction Battalion, 1943-1945" (1946). Regimental Histories. 97.

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