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Beginning of Chapter 7, Conclusion:
"In this book, the author has not attempted to give a complete history of the Military Railway Service. And in a sense, the task of the author has been a painful one. Limitations of space have precluded the inclusion of many episodes, vignettes, descriptions and analyses. Consequently, most of the personnel concerned have had to remain anonymous.
War is not only a matter of facts and statistics. It is experience, and no others can quite understand that experience. The author has tried to tell the story of the war as it came to our organization how it looked and felt, and what our activities were during the fighting. The splendid performance of the 708th reflected credit on all of our personnel rather than on any individual or small group of individuals. This book is intended primarily for personnel of our immediate headquarters, and I trust they will understand and forgive me for not including their individual chapters."
Publication Date
Printed at The Printing Plant of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company
United States Army, World War 1939-1945, Regimental histories, 708th Railway Grand Division
Military History
Recommended Citation
Gregory, Andrew Grant and Bateman, Carroll, "The saga of the 708 Railway Grand Division" (1947). Regimental Histories. 92.

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