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The 72nd Field Artillery Brigade, although composed of veteran troops, is a comparatively new organization. It is made up of the 119th Field Artillery, the 177th Field Artillery, and the 182nd Field Artillery and was formed in September, 1940, under the command of Colonel Joseph H. Lewis, who has since been promoted to the rank of Brigadier General. General Lewis formerly commanded the 57th Field Artillery Brigade.
The 119th Field Artillery, a World War Artillery Regiment of the 32nd Division, was converted from a light artillery regiment to a 155 millimeter gun regiment by Special Order 224, Adjutant General's Office, State of Michigan, September 18, 1940, and assigned to the 72nd Field Artillery Brigade. It is commanded by Colonel Glenn W. Carey.
The 182nd Field Artillery, formerly medium artillery of the Sixth Corps, was likewise transferred to the 72nd Field Artillery Brigade, remaining a 155 millimeter howitzer regiment. Colonel George V. N. Lothrop is in command.
Fire power was completed by the addition of the second Howitzer Regiment, the 177th Field Artillery. The regiment was formed from ,all the Michigan units of the First Squadron, 106th Cavalry, and of the 107th Quartermaster Regiment, and is commanded by Colonel Russell G. Simpson.
On the 7th day of April, 1941, the 72nd Field Artillery Brigade was inducted into Federal Service in accordance with a Presidential Order dated January 11, 1941. Induction having been completed, the Brigade proceeded by rail and motor convoy to Fort Knox, Kentucky, where it began the early stages of its preliminary training. While at Fort Knox, the Brigade lived under canvas and experienced many uncomfortable periods of inclement weather, which alternately subjected the personnel to deep mud and fine dust, indoors and out. The Brigade remained at Fort Knox until June 1, 1941, and then proceeded to its first permanent station at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, arriving there June 2nd.
Publication Date
Army-Navy Pub.
United States Army, World War 1939-1945, Regimental histories, 72nd Field Artillery Brigade, 182nd Field Artillery, 119th Field Artillery, 177th Field Artillery, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri
Military History
Recommended Citation
United States Army, "Pictorial review Seventy-second Field Artillery Brigade, Army of the United States, 1941" (1941). Regimental Histories. 86.

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