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It was World War II that brought to women their first opportunity to serve as an integral part of the Corps. The challenge came on February 13, 1943, with the announcement that the Marines had once more opened their ranks to women and now offered them full membership, including the chance for promotion to non-commissioned and commissioned grades and the privilege of serving in a wide variety of posts. Thus, scientific developments in war-making equipment, the global proportions of World War II, and the desperate need for a never-before-dreamed-of number of Marines, had made women's role in the Corps the most vital and important in history.
In response to the challenging ''Free a Marine to Fight'' women began to flock to the procurement offices.
Mrs. Ruth Cheney Streeter, of Morristown, New Jersey was appointed director of the new Women's Reserve and commissioned a major in the Marine Corps. Long active in public affairs, a member of the New Jersey State Relief Council, New Jersey Commission on Interstate Cooperation, and New Jersey Board of Children's Guardians, as well as former chairman of the Fort Dix, New Jersey, Citizens' Committee for Army and Navy, she was eminently qualified to take up her new tasks.
Publication Date
Army and Navy Pub. Co.
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Marine Corps Women's Reserve, Registers, United States Marine Corps Women's Reserve, Pictorial works, World War 1939-1945, Regimental histories, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina
Military History
Recommended Citation
United States Marine Corp, "U.S. Marine Corps, Women's Reserve: Camp Lejeune, N.C" (1943). Regimental Histories. 82.

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