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The story of an outfit is often a story of the individual experiences of its men, but this narrative is a chronology of the collective achievements and adventures of men working in unison, primarily the men who formed the original complement of Construction Battalion Maintenance Unit 571.
The charter members of this Seabee crew hailed from all walks of life and went on to carve out a bright record of attainment on lonely tropical islands unheard of and unimportant until war made their possession and exploitation necessary. The final, complete story of CBMU 571 is not over, because CBMU 571 is, at this writing, still commissioned, still doing a job, still adding to a record. But to the men who formed it, who carried the knowledge, the brawn, the guts, and the equipment into the islands of the Pacific, this chapter of their careers as Seabees is completed. These men may go on to other naval organizations or they may already be civilians again, but their first love as servicemen will be CBMU 571.
Publication Date
United States Navy, World War 1939-1945, Regimental Histories, 571st Naval Construction Battalion Maintenance Unit, CBMU 571
Military History
Recommended Citation
United States Navy; Fein, John J.; and Hulteen, Leonard A., "Can do--did!: United States Naval Construction Battalion Maintenance Unit 571" (1946). Regimental Histories. 70.

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