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A Battalion truck was driven hundreds of miles through Germany to locate and haul a linotype machine so that type could be set for this book. This is just one of the sometimes fantastic difficulties overcome during the manufacture of these pages in the bomb-devastated city of Frankfurt-on-Main in July 1945. That the book did get printed at all is astonishing to its author. 1st Lt. John D. Hess, aided by German-speaking Tech Sergeant Frank Gartner, looked after the considerable details of publication. The 21 chapter illustrations are by Pfc. Norman E. Hamilton. The writing is by Pfc. Wayne Robinson, who here wishes to acknowledge the great help given by so many, from tank commanders to cooks to personnel clerks, in getting the facts for this combat story.
Publication Date
United States Army, World War 1939-1945, Regimental histories, 743rd Tank Battalion, Soldier-created drawings
Military History
Recommended Citation
United States Army; Robinson, Wayne; and Hamilton, Norman E., "Move out, verify: the combat story of the 743rd Tank Battalion" (1945). Regimental Histories. 66.

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