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The 20th Armored Division cannot point to a long record of heroic slugging or dashing achievement on many of the battle fields of World War II, it made its weight felt by serving for two years as a replacement training division, properly climaxed by active participation as a unit in the final drive in the defeat of Germany.
The 20th did not write a great deal of combat history, yet it joined valiantly in the knockout punch against a desperate Nazism, throwing its infamous legions back to and breaking them at its citadel, the National Redoubt in the Alps. No, the 20th did not have a long history of battles and campaigns like so many other units; it wrote only a few paragraphs in the total book but it does know how history was written, and it was there to see the dramatic moments, causes and effects that will write the history of the future.
Publication Date
United States Army, World War 1939-1945, Regimental histories, 20th Armored Division, Campaigns, Western Front
Military History
Recommended Citation
United States Army, "Armor in the ETO" (1946). Regimental Histories. 63.

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